How I Lost Weight
Veena Singh
I recently reduced about 25 pounds. I did it in a completely natural and healthy way. No, I did not take Metabolife, and no, I did not have to give up eating. Everywhere I go, people are asking me what did I do to reduce. Well, I thought I’d write about it to help anyone who is interested. These tips have worked for me, and I am talking in layman’s terms. Therefore, an expert in the field may not agree with the way I put it across, but I am only putting it across the way it was put across to me.
I gathered my information on a cruise. I attended all the seminars in the gym and spa area. I came to realize so many misconceptions and so many things I was doing wrong. Not eating to lose weight is a big NO, NO. Yes, you do lose weight, but not the weight you want to. Not eating puts the body in starvation mode, and instead of your body getting its daily requirement of energy from your body’s fat, it take from your body’s muscle. When we lose weight, we do not want to lose muscle, we want to lose fat.
On the cruise, I went to a seminar called “Do you have a sluggish metabolism?” In the seminar, they used an instrument on me that took my height and weight into consideration, and it provided me with my body fat weight and percentage, my muscle weight and percentage, and my water weight and percentage. I was told that most fitness places have such an instrument. Due to my misconception of not eating to lose weight, my muscle weight was less, my water weight was less, and my fat weight was slightly more than it should have been.
To burn fat, you need to have more muscle weight. Four or five days a week, I walk in the park 2.25 miles with my friends. Exercising releases endorphins, which actually energize you and make you feel great. Endorphins are a great anti-depressant and relieve stress. If you cannot walk in the park or run, get a bike or treadmill and watch television and work out. I have 3lb weights that I use while I watch TV. The point is build muscle.
By sweating (exercising, using a steam room, zaccuzi, sauna, etc.), you can increase your basal body temperature, which puts your metabolism to work.
Buy a dry skin brush (you can get them at body shops). Before taking a shower or bath, brush on your legs and arms toward the heart, and brush clockwise over the abdomen. Dry skin is an indication of poor circulation, which means a poor metabolism. Dry skin brushing improves circulation. Exfoliating also improves circulation. In body shops, you can buy a sandy like or crystal like cream that you use on your body to improve circulation and your skin (they remove the dead skin).
Since my water weight was less, I was slightly dehydrated. They told me to drink lots and lots of water, which was something I was poor at. I used to drink lots and lots of diet soda, which is horrible, why? : 1) anything made of artificial substances creates toxins in the body which could lead to fat deposits such as cellulite 2) drinking and eating natural and fresh food and drink is the best (avoid canned, pre-packaged food, ready-made foods, and food with chemicals or preservatives). Aim to drink at least about eight 8oz glasses of water a day. Drinking so much water does require you to make more trips to the rest room, but it is worth it. My skin is less dry and an added glow comes on the face. Best of all, it puts the metabolism to work.
The metabolism gets put to work after each meal. I was told to try and have 5 to 6 small meals as opposed to 3 big meals. I was told my daily calorie requirement was 1200(This daily calorie requirement varies from person to person. The instrument they used on me to get my muscle weight, etc. provided this information.), and therefore, my 5 to 6 meals should give me at least that much of calories. Be sure to have a balanced diet including at least four servings of calcium. Be sure to also take a multivitamin daily as well.
One pound is equivalent to 3500 calories. In my example, if I consume 1200 calories in a day, and I burn off 700 calories in a day due to exercise, work, life, etc. I will lose a pound in 5 days.
Here is the information given to me:
1) Start the day with a cup of hot water with lemon juice.
2) Dry skin brush every morning before you shower-always toward the heart and clockwise over the abdomen.
3) Exfoliate 2 times a week.
4) Massage-self massage daily, professional massage once a week.
5) Aim for 30 minutes exercise per day and 10 minutes relaxation per day.
6) Two times a week, soak 20 minutes in bath salts.
7) Try and use the steam room or sauna two times a week for 30 minutes.
8) Food beneficial to liver and kidney – aim to eat two of each group every day.
a.Liver: black grapes, garlic, fennel or dandelion tea or green tea, carrot or beetroot juice.
b.Kidney: fresh honey, cranberry juice/tablets, melon (alone without other food).
9) Limit/avoid common colon irritants/food intolerances: wheat products (breads, pasta, flour), caffeine, chocolate, alcohol, malt, yeast, barley, maize, rye, refined flours, refined sugar, refined starch.
10) Avoid artificial sweeteners, preservatives, and food additives.
11) Eat organic foods in their most “natural” state – fresh fruit and vegetables.
12) Avoid processed, pre-packaged, ready made foods and meals.
13) Reduce fat, sugar, and salt intake.
Aromatherapy detox oils: Juniper, Rosemary, Pine.
TO Lose Body Fat & Increase Muscle
Cardio 3-5 times per week, 35+ minutes
Weights/Toning, 2-3 times per week, 30 + minutes
Stretching 1-2 times per week, 20 minutes
Consistency, Consistency, Consistency
1. 5-6 small meals per day.
2. Drink lots and lots of water.
3. Aim for salad plate sized meals, half the plate covered in veggies, a quarter with carbohydrates, and a quarter with proteins (look at your plate).
4. Take a multi-vitamin daily.
5. The 80/20 rule: Make health oriented food choices 80 percent of the time, other fun foods 20 percent of the time. Or, 6 days on, 1 day off.
Stress & Energy:
Remember, stress is toxic to your body. If you do not take time out to relax, you will prohibit the maximum functioning of your health and vitality, and this will prevent you from achieving ideal form. Incorporate relaxation therapies into your every day life!