Came back to work on saturday and sunday, dad bought me a laptop, for my work, so that next week end i dont have to come back to office, i can do it at home. Meet up with baby on saturday to watch Night at the museum 2, same old shit, i sleep through the movies again, haix. Baby got used to it already, but dont know why, that day i feel the guilt, like very bad. Hmm, sorry dear. Sunday, stayed home whole day, play with my new laptop, sleep through my afternoon, eat, sleep,bath, eat sleep again. Hahax, good life aite? simple life.
Today, its another monday, Its like another 5 more days to my weekend, which will be my off days. Wa lau sianx. So long way to go.
Anyway, now than i got to know, my brother they do have a blog.
Eh serious, i feel that, i am a boring blogger , i dont know what to type and honestly lay to upload picture, so haiya., forget it!