Tuesday, February 24, 2009

its getting late

24 feb 09,

Havent had my lunch yet, not hungry. Getting myself a baking oven this weekend and some bakeware.Gonna kill some time, i've been so free. Gonna bake bake bake and bake away all the feelings and eat them..!!

Pressure, stressful , fear.

Each after another, it makes me spin. Mind spinning with lots of problems. I know i cant be perfect, i know i cant change as much. But i am trying and exhausting. Because each and everytime i do the same mistake, i will be reprimanded. So much i wish you could understand me and give in to me. But you couldnt understand. its imbalance. I dont know what to do. I shut myself and ran away. i dont know how long i could run.. i;m tired..

I feel sorry for the times we had. But i know i cant do it all alone by myself.

If only i could have a peaceful one month. no scolding. . . its love life...

I am tired.. good night...