Friday, February 27, 2009

i will definitely remember for life!

The conclusion is over..
Its such a waste,
me myself couldnt believe it.
But the weird thing is,
i can feel the waste but not the pain,
because i know myself what i am doing.
And its misunderstanding.
But his persistence is strong.
Its such a waste.
All effort gone to the bin.

When i feel like giving up, i always ask myself why i held for so long in the first place. Its worth all the wait.. Its worth loving you.. love...

Nothing Compares To you

Unfortunately, i make mistakes easily without knowing that you are so hurt and upset.
I care only for my own feelings, but i've never think that you too will be hurt, it just that you dont show it.I'm sorry(to you)
Fortunately, these mistakes are usually not fatal, its just that its repeated mistakes and it makes you feel so impossible.
Lucky to know that you have this kind forgiving character that i really ADORE.(thank you -to you only)
Desperately, i want to change for a better, but i didnt know that i would make the mistakes again( sorry to you ) reason being, its hard to find someone that is another half of you. You're sweet.(only you)
Grateful to you, talking to me about my mistakes and wanting me to change, Honestly i do want to change and make real plans. I dont mean it at times( dear you)
By knowing this mistakes, action speaks louder than words. I've plans for the OPENING move to spark up the love again.( sincere to change for a better)
Give me another day, to prove that i will reverse the situation and correct those mistakes. ( love )
I dare to shout by the streets full of people that I LOVE YOU, and its really you the one that i want.