Monday, September 29, 2008

my diary

I'm in my office now, waiting for my dad for meeting.
While waiting i've decided to clean up my desk.
And i found this diary in my drawer,
Oh dear this diary leaves behind lots of stories about my single days..
I dare not open the book,
dont know why.-
Lots of things that he doesnt know.
I'm not sure whether should i give it to him one day.
i dont know what should i do.
Keep it or throw it.
He knows every single thing happen in my life ever since 25 june 08.
but this is the only diary he never read it before.
And this blog of mine,
i'm not sure he is aware.
But if he ever read my blog..
Baby, i want you to know,
you once hurt me badly,
but you healed my wounds day by day.
And i've nvr regretted having you in my life.
95 days ever since we are together.
Thank you for the love and care you showered.

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