Wednesday, September 10, 2008

© By Natessa M. Wagoner
He sits there, deep in thoughtAs the rain flows down his dorm room window.He's been sitting there for hours,Yet the pain still remains.He thinks of the stress school imposes on him.How he can't seem to ever catch up.There's always something more.Of his relationship with God.Why can't he further it?He wants it more than anything,Yet it always seems just beyond his grasp.He thinks of the pain of a broken heart.He has experienced this many a time.Never again, he says to himself.I will never again risk it.Never again open the doors of my heart.Every time I believe it is safe,It is tread upon yet again.Such low self-esteem and excessive prideLeads me to believe that everyone is simply being niceWhen they tell me why they like me.Never again.As he continues to sit there, indulging in his self-pityHe doesn't realize that nearby there is a girl.She too is sitting there, deep in thought,Thinking of the heart she can never have.

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